Deck Engine Stores

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Ship Chandler Mexico

Deck Engine Stores

Since the ships coming to our country usually come from the ports of distant countries, the ships stay on the sea route for days and during this period, many consumables are consumed on the ships and therefore the deck and machinery spare parts that the ships need are also exhausted. If you contact us, you can be sure that all kinds of deck and machinery materials your ships need will be supplied to your ships in a timely manner. After placing your order, the products are delivered to the ships without any problems, approximately one day later.

Our deck materials include paints, chemical products, grinding motors, scraping equipment, painting equipment, electronic parts, cross-country gear, pilot soldiers, various gloves, hoses, pressure-resistant hoses, brushes, personnel overalls, shoes and many more. Many of the products listed above are in stock in our warehouses and are waiting to be supplied to your ships.

In order to provide the necessary materials in the ship's engine rooms in the best possible way, we carefully examine all the materials you need to ensure complete and accurate supply and present them to you in line with your orders.

In machine materials; We also support you in the repair and maintenance of electric motors, hydraulic motors, generator and main machine spare parts, various sensors, indicators, thermometers, pressurized and normal hoses, sprays, valves, various rings, pistons and the products we mentioned. Once the arrival date of your ships to our country is finalized, contact us and meet our unlimited services. All you need to do is contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for your attention

Deck Engine Stores
We specialise in the Ship Chandler

To prove what we're capable of, one chance is enough.




Deck Engine Stores


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